Sunday 21 April 2013

A close shave with death

This Sunday morning, I've experienced what it would be like to live in a Matrix movie. 

I woke up around 12:30 to a phone call and after attending it, noticed that there was a burning smell at home. I asked my kids what that smell was and they had no clue. One was on the computer playing a game and the other was watching TV.

I walk into the kitchen and find that the cooker is on and ask my elder son when was this put on and when was it to be switched off. He came into the kitchen looking guilty and said that mom asked him to switch it off after 4 whistles but was not sure that had happened.

When quizzed on how long it was since mom left, he was not sure. But since the smell was strong, my son Anand switched it off. I picked up the cooker and put it on the kitchen counter so it could cool and BAM, there was a massive noise and I could see pieces of cooker whizz past my head.

The lid missed my face by inches and lodged itself onto the stainlees steel chimney.

Anand was also luckily unhurt, though he was also in the room, he'd just stepped into the service area. Both of us were left unhurt inspite of pieces of steel, rubber, metal and rice being scattered all over the room. Floor to ceiling.

It felt like a bomb went off in my face. But I was still alive. And was witness to it in slow motion. 

We're both still shaken and can't believe that we have been left off free from this explosion. A couple of millimeters this way or that way and the present would have been so different. 

The force of the explosion was terrible and I was just two feet from the cooker. What saved me and Anand? What lesson is there in it for us and others?

At times of crisis or near death, have you noticed how slowly time moves while things around you are going at normal / super speed? This warp is so much like what's seen in "The Matrix" and it's real. Not a movie.

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