Monday 25 February 2013


I feel hungry.... I feel like going for a movie.... I feel cold..... I feel hot......
Are these feelings? Are men supposed to have only such feelings and nothing else. I believe that we have moved away from these stereotypes and we are allowed to be who we are without being boxed or typecast into categories. I believe that we are living in an age and time that a man can feel like a woman and a woman can feel like a man and freely express these feelings aloud without being judged and condemned. Or am I mistaken and the time is yet to come?
Why not, I feel afraid... I feel vulnerable..... i feel lonely..... I feel loving ..... I feel upset ..... I feel happy.... I feel angry? There is a whole gamut of feelings out there and I am expected to have only this, this and this and nothing else. Does anyone have the right to dictate to another how one should feel or not feel? Am I not entitled to my feelings, of course, with the rider that it doesn't affect someone else's life?
I'd like to explore these topics with you. Please feel free to share your views so I can learn from you and others can learn from this free and frank discussion..
I googled for the list of feelings and emotions and I found that there are far more words for negative emotions than there are for positive. Our human experience seems to be mired in negative feelings and emotions which are only intermittently broken by patches of positive feelings. Like a mirage some people chase sensual goals to get a grasp on bliss while more often than not, they fall in the desert to negative emotions and feelings.
We shall discuss these major emotions over the next few days:
1) Anger
2) Dissappointment
3) Guilt
4) Worry
5) Happiness
6) Loving
7) Courageous
8) Graceful
If you think I've missed some crucial feelings and I should include it, please do let me know.

If your are interested in learning more about feelings, you could check out this link


Anger is one of the most common feelings for most of us isn't it? It's easy to come by and easy to express. Look around you in any public place and you'll find that anger is expressed quiet openly. You see road rage, you see a spouse angrily speaking to the better/bitter half, you see a parent ticking off the child or the child throwing a tantrum at the parent, You see anger in the workplace. Boss to reportee, peer to peer, reporteee to boss, client to vendor and the other way around. You see anger expressed in so many colourful and not-so-colourful ways right out in the open in public. While you don't see love being expressed quiet so openly in public.
Have you noticed that no one bothers to stop you if you slap someone in public or give them a dressing down, while if you try kissing your girl in public, the cops will swoop down on you for indecent behaviour and the upholders of cultural values will harangue you for your obscene behaviour.
Once upon a time we were a land that celebrated love. Today we are a country that smoulders in hate and reveres it.
In an Emotional Intelligence Workshop, the participants, all highly educated and paid and ergo assumed to be highly evolved were tied up in knots when asked to express "I love you" in as many creative ways as possible. They were shy, withdrawn, trying to dig a hole and disappear for being asked to mouth such words. But when this same group was asked to express "I hate you" in as many ways as possible, they were in full flow exploring all the notes in the emotional scale.
I've always been surprised at our ability to express negative emotions so freely while bottling up the so-called positive ones like love, compassion, caring, gratitude, etc. Anger probably is a the top of the list and the one we all experience often and see even more often.
What if we could use the same anger and turn it around to work for us. Just as tidal waves are used to generate electricity, why can't we turn our anger on our own limitations? What if we turned our anger on our limiting habits or feelings such as procrastination, jealousy, greed, fear and so on? What if we are able to burn these to cinder so we're are able to lead fuller lives?
Then our anger would be well spent. And well earned too:)

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